Wood Packaging Materials (WPM) Frequently Asked Questions

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 Q. Do I need to re-register my Common Access Card (CAC) certificate if I get a new CAC card or reset it?

A. Yes. A new CAC or a reset CAC affects the certificates and, therefore, will not match the certificates registered on the WPM web site, and you will be required to re-register it. Go to: TARP CAC Certificate Registration Request

 Q. Does the training/certification at the DoD Wood Packaging Materials Web site satisfy requirements for the DoD and International Plant Protection Convention Wood Packaging Materials training?
A. Yes, it satisfies both. DoD Wood Packaging Materials web site
 Q. Is plywood and particle board included in the WPM requirements?
A. No, plywood and particle board are manufactured wood products and are not included in WPM compliance. However, if WPM includes other types of WPM such as wood cleats, the end-product is then WPM. For example, a box constructed of plywood and lumber is WPM.
 Q. What is the United States (US)?
A. For purposes of importing WPM into the (US) the US Customs and Border Patrol uses the US Department of Agriculture definition. For purposes of this regulation, the US consists of 50 states, American Samoa, District of Columbia, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands of the US. WPM traveling solely between ports in the above listed areas will, for the purposes of enforcement of the WPM regulation, be considered to be domestic WPM.
 Q. How long does the WPM site custodian have to submit the Lumber Usage Monthly and DoD Pest-Free Certification monthly reports?
A. The site custodian has until the end of the second week of the following month to submit the reporting month data.
 Q. I did not receive or use any lumber this month. Am I still required to report?
A. Yes, even if there has been no activity, the site custodian is still required to submit the monthly WPM reports.