Established in 1948, the Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center, (PSCC), an activity of the U.S. Army Sustainment Command (ASC), has provided logistics support to the Soldier for more than a half-century. ASC PSCC has a staff of globally recognized professionals that provide premier distribution and testing solutions.
  • Packaging Subject Matter Experts
  • Asset Protection
  • Stock Readiness Program
  • Preservation & Corrosion Prevention
  • Wood Packaging Material Program
  • Army Packaging Policy Focal Point
  • Member of the Defense Packaging Policy Group
  • Tactical Assistance Visits
  • Schoolhouse for PACK 2 Military Packaging Design
  • Responsible for Military & DoD-Adopted Commercial Standards   under  the Defense Standardization Program
  • Lead Standardization Activity for Documentation
  • DoD Preparing Activity for Documents & Army Custodian for  Documentation
  • US Head of Delegation for NATO Asset Tracking Working Group
  • US Rep. to the Combat Service Support Working Group Supply Panel
  • Focus: Area Pack, FSG 81 & FSCs 8105/8110/8115/8125/8135/8150
  • Army’s focal point for shelf-life information, training, the web-based DoD Shelf-Life Extension System, and field assistance requests
  • Army Shelf-Life Responsible Office and Representative to the DoD Shelf-Life Board
  • Army’s Responsible Office (RO) for HAZMAT Policy
  • Army Representative to the DoD Hazardous Materials Packaging Working Group
  • Army Focal Point for Regulatory and Statutory Relief
  • HAZMAT Packaging, Handling, and Transportation Guidance to Units Globally
  • Army's Operational Coordinator for HMIRS
  • AMC's responsible office for the Stock Readiness Program (SR)
  • Provide the Army representative to the DoD SR Working Group
  • Budget and oversee the execution of the SR program at the Installation Supply Support Activities within Army
  • Provide SR information, training, and field assistance requests
  • LOGSA PSCC is the Army Material Command’s responsible office for managing Wood Packaging Material (WPM)
  • Provide oversite to all WPM Self Certified Sites, and perform site specific audits to validate compliance
  • Representing the Army on all WPM policy and procedural concerns, and answer all technical queries to WPM and related matters