General Capabilities
Our facility has a number of capabilities which set us apart from other labs. For example, we have a 7-foot revolving hexagonal drum, which is used to evaluate the durability of materials, containers, and article for research and development purposes. We also have a custom designed top-lift machine, which is used to test the lifting capability of flexible bag IBCs as part of 49 CFR testing for UN rated packages. LTAD’s facility also has an incline impact tester, which is used to reproduce and compare shock damage that might be seen during rail car switching or direct impacts with hazards as called out in ASTM D4169.
LTAD’s main container lab has all of the tools necessary for the complete fabrication of wooden and fiberboard packages, and we routinely create simulated contents for testing. In order to achieve our goal of providing state-of-the-art support, we have expanded our 3D solid modeling capabilities for both the design and evaluation stages of packaging development. Using 3D solid modeling software, we are now able to provide more detailed drawings and simulate real world testing.