The DoD implements a lead activities concept for testing and evaluating packaging materials and processes under Joint Services Regulation, AR 700-15/NAVSUPINST 4030.28D/AFJMAN 24-206/MCO 4030.33D/DLAD 4145.7, 31 March 1998. The objectives of this concept are: to eliminate duplication of efforts in testing and evaluating packaging materials and processes; provide package testing focal points within each service and the Defense Logistics Agency for other government agencies and industry; to improve skills and increase productivity through specialization; and to standardize, to the optimum extent, test equipment. ASC PSCC has been designated the lead service activity for the following materials and processes:




  • Adhesives
  • Barriers
  • Fiberboard Boxes and Sheet Stock
  • Wood Boxes
  • Wirebound Boxes
  • Bags and Sacks
  • Marking and Labeling
  • Non-Metal Pallets
  • Preservatives
  • Desiccants
  • Tapes
  • Tags, Document Protectors, Packing Lists
  • Unitization Systems
  • Stretch Wrap Systems
  • Shrink Wrap Systems
  • Marking and Labeling Systems
  • Vacuum Formed Thermoplastic Systems
  • Cold-Seal Packaging Systems
  • Dehumidification Systems
  • Plastic Wrap Systems
  • Plastic Bag/Package Forming Systems


International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) Testing

PSCC is the only Government packaging testing facility certified to ISTA standards. Testing is conducted on a packaged-product according to one of ISTA’s procedures. These procedures are not only oriented toward both the domestic and overseas commercial transportation environment, but also provide assurance that tested packages can meet a variety of mechanical handling techniques found throughout distribution systems.
ISTA test procedures are as follows:

  • Procedure 1A – Performance Test for Individual Packaged-Products Weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less. Basic requirements include fixed displacement vibration and shock testing
  • Procedure 1B – Performance Test for Individual Packaged-Products Weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg). Basic requirements include fixed displacement vibration and shock testing
  • Procedure 1C – Performance Test for Extended Testing of Individual Packaged-Products Weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less. Basic requirements include fixed displacement or random vibration, shock, and compression testing (atmospheric conditioning optional)
  • Procedure 1D – Performance Test for Extended Testing of Individual Packaged-Products Weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg). Basic requirements include fixed displacement or random vibration, shock, and compression testing (atmospheric conditioning optional)
  • Procedure 1E – Performance Test for Unitized Loads of Same Product. Basic requirements include vertical linear or random vibration and shock
  • Procedure 1F – Developmental Test for Closed Reusable Transport Containers for Loads of 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less. Basic requirements include fixed displacement or random vibration, shock, compression testing, and atmospheric pre-conditioning
  • Procedure 2A – Performance Test for Individual Packaged-Products Weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less. Basic requirements include atmospheric conditioning, compression, fixed displacement or random vibration, and shock testing
  • Procedure 2B – Performance Test for Individual Packaged-Products Weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg). Basic requirements include atmospheric conditioning, compression, fixed displacement or random vibration, and shock testing
  • Additional procedures are developed as needed to address changes in distribution systems

ASTM D 4169 Performance Testing of Shipping Containers

ASTM D 4169, Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems, provides a uniform basis of evaluating, in a laboratory, the ability of shipping units to withstand the distribution environment. This is accomplished by subjecting them to a test plan consisting of a sequence of anticipated hazard elements encountered in various distribution cycles.

The Distribution Cycle 18 performance test schedule was established to evaluate the ability of shipping units to withstand the hazards anticipated for non-commercial government shipments per MIL-STD-2073-1, DoD Standard Practice for Military Packaging. It requires conducting a series of handling and environmental hazard simulations in a specified sequence. Testing covers:

  • Manual and mechanical handling hazards, such as: drop, fork lift truck handling, crane handling, impact and stability
  • Compression hazards due to warehouse or vehicle stacking
  • Environmental hazards of cyclic exposure to high and/or low temperatures and water spray (rain)
  • Random vibration hazards due to vehicle vibration

MIL-STD-810, Environmental Testing

MIL-STD-810, Environmental Engineering Consideration and Laboratory Tests, is a DoD Test Method Standard which establishes test procedures and considerations for determining the effects of natural and induced environments on equipment used in military applications. Tables of world-wide temperature and humidity cycles as well as altitude and other climatic data are provided for use in tailoring test conditions for those environments expected to be experienced by troops deployed around the world. Although our primary mission covers the performance of packaging and packaged-item performance, the testing facilities are capable of, and are available for, conducting the majority of the MIL-STD-810 tests. The climatic data is often used to tailor test plans for specific packagings. LTAD is capable of performing the following MIL-STD-810 tests:

  • Method 500 Low Pressure (Altitude)
  • Method 501 High Temperature
  • Method 502 Low Temperature
  • Method 503 Temperature Shock
  • Method 504 Contamination by Fluids
  • Method 505 Solar Radiation
  • Method 506 Rain (Falling Rain and Exaggerated)
  • Method 507 Humidity
  • Method 509 Salt Fog
  • Method 512 Immersion
  • Method 514 Vibration (Loose Cargo Transport and Random)
  • Method 516 Shock (Transit Drop)
  • Method 521 Icing/Freezing Rain

MIL-STD-810 test guidance is also used to tailor tests for sunlight (using PSCC's ultraviolet and xenon arc test equipment with condensation) and rail car impact (using PSCC's inclined impact tester).

View Lead Service Testing FAQs

For further information on testing materials or packaging, please contact:

(570) 615-6611
DSN 795-6611,
write to Chief,

11 Hap Arnold Blvd
Tobyhanna, PA 18466-5097