Packaging Frequently Asked Questions

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Expand List item 828Collapse List item 828  Q. Is there a quick reference guide available to provide practical guidance with respect to basic preservation, packing and packaging of Army material?
A. Yes, please click below to download a copy of Packaging the Basics - A quick guide for basic preservation, packing, and packaging.
Click to download Packaging the Basics
Expand List item 630Collapse List item 630  Q. Who provides packaging training for shippers?

A. The Defense Ammunition Center (DAC) is the Army's designated Packaging and HAZMAT School. Visit DAC's web site here, or contact them at DSN 826-4745 (open 0700-1600 Eastern Time), Comm 1-877-251-0730 (open 24 hours a day/7 days a week).

Expand List item 633Collapse List item 633  Q. I looked up the Army packaging requirements for an item and it listed a Special Packaging Instruction (SPI) number. How do I get a copy of the SPI?
A. Go to the Logistics Information Warehouse (LIW), click on "Catalog", then "Packaging Requirements", and search by the item NIIN or SPI number. If the SPI is not available, on the "Packaging Requirements" page, click on "Packaging Help for All Commodities" and select the corresponding link based on the Source of Supply for the item. Another useful source for packaging information for TACOM items is the TACOM-Warren packaging web site. If you need additional help please contact PSCC.
Expand List item 629Collapse List item 629  Q. Can we receive reimbursement for packaging materials used to pack ammunition and organizational clothing and individual equipment (OCIE) that is retrograded off the installation?
A. The Ammunition Quality Assurance Program is their version of Care of Supplies in Storage (COSIS)/Stock Readiness (SR) and it is funded separately. Your local Quality Assurance Specialist (Ammunition Surveillance) (QASAS) would have the details of how their program is executed. The funding streams are kept separate because they don't want anyone making decisions to spend ammunition dollars on general supplies and vice versa. US Army Installation Management Command has been provided funds in the Transportation Account Code (TAC) "ACLA" account for the OCIE program which includes funding for preparation for delivery (packing and palletization). AMC did not receive any additional dollars for this mission and since SR Program funding is not for freight preparation, the SR Program funding will not pay for OCIE return.
Expand List item 631Collapse List item 631  Q. How can I get access to ASTM standards?
A. AMC has signed a contract with IHS Global Inc. for commercial standards and specifications for the AMC Enterprise. To access to these documents click the MilSuite link below and then click on AMC Access. This service is restricted to AMC military, civilian, and contractor employees. This access information or any documents obtained from this site cannot be shared with anyone outside AMC.

Click link: MilSuite IHS Standards Access